attr_encrypted is a dead-simple way to two-way encrypt information in your database. In our latest project, we are storing social security numbers, so obviously we needed an encryption solution.

I started off with EzCrypto because I had used it in the past. It worked fine, but I came across attr_encrypted and it seemed more elegant.

I had some problems getting it working, namely getting it included (or required) correctly. Before your class definition, simply put:

require 'attr\_encrypted'

and you should be good to go, considering you installed the gem.

Another, more elegant way of making sure the gem is required properly, set it as an environment option:config.gem 'shuber-attr_encrypted', :version => '~> 1.0.8', :lib => 'attr_encrypted', :source => ''

In our case, we have a Customer model. This Customer models needs to store encrypted social security numbers. When I first created the Customer migration, I assumed this column would be called ‘ssn’. I had troubles working with attr_encrypted because it has some conventions that I must have overlooked in the documentation.

In order to use it correctly, the column in the database needs to be named ‘encrypted_ssn’. When you specify which column is to be encrypted with the attr_* method, you are essentially creating a virtual attribute that is used to encrypt/decrypt the actual data.

Hope this helps someone who is having similar problems.