I just realized after seeing a post about Redcar (a programmer’s editor for GNOME) that I am uninterested in finding new editors. This used to be something I was desperate to find because I could never get vim to work right for me. I remember trying all kinds of editors like scream, BlueFish, and Kate. All never really sunk in with me.

Here’s a timeline of my use of text editors:

  1. Notepad
  2. EditPlus
  3. Dreamweaver
  4. VisualStudio
  5. TextMate
  6. Vim

I feel as though it’s an obligatory crescendo that all developers must play. The desire to find more powerful tools to help them with their daily tasks. It inevitably falls back to the basics. The tried and true editors that have been with us since the dawn of personal computing.

It does feel good knowing that I never will need to go find another editor ever again.